6 May 2023

Solo Exhibition in Venice “Fils Rouges”, Imagina Cafe’, from 6 May to 2 June 2023

Venice May 6th, 2023

I feel the colors and I see the lines: lines and architectural shapes belong to the rational world I come from, but they also imply magical symbols and numbers,
with colors I express my vital energy and emotions.

When I photograph I portray what I remember, or what, etymologically, I recall to the heart. Sometimes they are paintings, sometimes philosophical images.

I love landscapes, with details that in some cases I focus on, in others less.
I feel like a daughter of Venetian colorism in the representation of sixteenth-century painting, between Bellini and Cima da Conegliano, and of the love for the landscape in poetry, expressed by the great 20th-century poet from Pieve di Soligo Andrea Zanzotto.

I don’t know if mine are technically good photos: I’m more interested in what to frame than how to do it.
However, I printed the images on a support that I first painted by hand, to leave my mark on this first exhibition with a title that recalls my name.
I agree with what Man Ray said: it was the study of painting that led me to photography, because I wanted to reproduce my paintings.

I don’t like to call myself an artist or a photographer, nor do I think of making art while shooting.
Rather, it seems to me that I am taking notes: photography is for me a mental annotation tool, my mind’s eye.

I am happy to bring colors back to their natural home, of beauty and free artistic expression, after a strange period in which they have been linked only to fear, between red zones and green passes.

I liked the idea of doing it in an environment of everyday life: for me, art should beautify the places where you work and spend your time, because it is thanks to contamination and unconscious influence that beauty expands its beneficial force.

I dedicate this exhibition to young people, to whom I would like to convey the colors of love and trust.

Rossella Tramet,

atypical lawyer